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newsyslog が missing field in config file とエラーを返す

/etc/newsyslog がこうなっていた。

# cat /etc/newsyslog.conf

# logfilename          [owner:group]    mode count size when  flags [/pid_file] [sig_num]
/var/log/all.log                        600  7     *    @T00  J
/var/log/amd.log                        644  7     100  *     J
/var/log/auth.log                       600  7     100  @0101T JC
/var/log/console.log                    600  5     100  *     J
/var/log/cron                           600  3     100  *     JC
/var/log/daily.log                      640  7     *    @T00  JN
/var/log/debug.log                      600  7     100  *     JC
/var/log/init.log                       644  3     100  *     J
/var/log/kerberos.log                   600  7     100  *     J
/var/log/lpd-errs                       644  7     100  *     JC
/var/log/maillog                        640  7     *    @T00  JC
/var/log/messages                       644  5     100  @0101T JC
/var/log/monthly.log                    640  12    *    $M1D0 JN
/var/log/pflog                          600  3     100  *     JB    /var/run/pflogd.pid
/var/log/ppp.log        root:network    640  3     100  *     JC
/var/log/devd.log                       644  3     100  *     JC
/var/log/security                       600  10    100  *     JC
/var/log/sendmail.st                    640  10    *    168   BN
/var/log/utx.log                        644  3     *    @01T05 B
/var/log/weekly.log                     640  5     *    $W6D0 JN
/var/log/xferlog                        600  7     100  *     JC

<include> /etc/newsyslog.conf.d/*
<include> /usr/local/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/*


# newsyslog
newsyslog: missing field in config file:



が、多分 freebsd-update の時のマージで残っていたらしい。

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